We know that your family’s health matters more to you than anything, so we offer extensive cover on our Kenyan Alliance Insurance Family Unit Health cover that offers speedy access to medical care in numerous health providers.It has extensive, comprehensive benefits and very affordable.Inpatient Benefit•Bed Capacity•Pre-existing, chronic, Cancer and HIV/AIDS conditions within the inpatient benefit after one year (including newly diagnosed)•Congenital conditions treated after one year (12 months) of cover for insured’s children within the pre-existing and chronic sub-limit above•Premature conditions treated after one year (12 months) of cover for members with the maternity benefit within the congenital sub-limit above•Psychiatric illness is covered within the inpatient limit after one year (12 months) of cover•First ever emergency cesarean section Cover within the inpatient benefit (non- elective) after one year.•Inpatient non-accidental dental treatment within the inpatient benefit•Inpatient non-accidental optical treatment within the inpatient benefit•Post hospitalization visits/follow-ups within the inpatient benefit•FREE Last expense benefit Outpatient Benefit•Pre-existing, chronic, Cancer and HIV/AIDS conditions within the inpatient benefit after one year (including newly diagnosed)•Congenital conditions cover for insured’s children•Psychiatric illness treatment
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