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Clients coming in for the first are taken through a registration process (Intake) where we take their details and get to understand the type of counselling they are looking for to help us match them with specific counselors who deal with the issues presented.

​Confidentiality: Counselling is dependent upon a relationship of trust and open communication. Whatever you share with your counselor is confidential. If consultation is required with your Physician, Pastor or someone else, your permission must be sought in advance.

Cancellation of Appointments: If you are unable to keep your appointment, please inform the office at least 24 hours in advance.

Change of Counsellor: If for some reasons, you are not satisfied with the counselor who has been assigned to you, after termination as per paragraph three above, inform the Intake Counsellor. A Client may change a counsellor only once.

Termination of Counselling: Should you wish to terminate sessions we ask you to notify your counsellor in person. The counsellor will extend the same courtesy to you if it is necessary for him / her to close off the meetings. Preferably, this notice should be given at least a week in advance and your reasons for terminating would be appreciated.

Our charges

In order to maintain the Centre and to cover operational costs we charge an initial processing (intake) fee of Kshs. 600, Consultation fee of Kshs. 600.  The ongoing counselling fees is Kshs. 2,000 per session for individual clients, Kshs. 3,000 per session for couples, Kshs. 4,500 per session for family of 3, initial processing (intake) fees of Kshs. 600 for corporate clients, Kshs. 3,000 per session for corporate individual clients, Kshs. 4,000 per session for corporate couples and Kshs. 1,000 per session for Amani Certificate and Diploma students


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