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We have different standards of ambulances varying from basic, average to comprehensive ambulance. Their main difference is in term of emergence equipments contained in. They can be seen clearly through our quotations. Vehicle Our vehicles are standard, on good condition, undergoes services frequently as advised by manufactures. Type of the vehicle we send to the site is depending on the infrastructure of the location or season so that it can meet all road difficulties; however we also respect the need of the customer. Personnel All are experienced in assigned field, they have experience of more than two years and they have worked more than one company dealing with gas and oil exploration.

We send their CVs together with quotation or upon customer request. All are fluent in English. Each ambulance contains paramedic, emergence medical technician (EMT), and emergence medical technician driver (EMTD). Equipments Our ambulances are equipped with all emergence equipments as international standards and our paramedics are conversant on using these equipments. These equipments are on good condition and susceptible to frequent inspections monthly. Drugs Our ambulances contain all important emergency drugs and some basic drugs to suit the prevalent diseases at the location the ambulance are sent.



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